Jerusalem Artichoke Etymology
The name is derived from the Spanish alcachofa which in its turn comes from the Arabic Al-harsuf. Alteration of Italian girasole articiocco edible sunflower.
The Jerusalem artichoke also called sunroot sunchoke earth apple or topinambour is a species of sunflower native to eastern North America and found from eastern Canada and Maine west to North Dakota and south to northern Florida and Texas.

Jerusalem artichoke etymology. Origin of Jerusalem artichoke 163545. Perhaps the most important root cash crop to originate in North America the tubers have a potato-like texture often recommended as a potato. Also marketed as sunchokes these gnarly little tubers look a lot like ginger root.
Jerusalem dʒ ə ˈ r uː s əl ə m. By a quibble on Jerusalem the soup made from it is called Palestine soup. Holy city in ancient Judea from Greek Hierousalem from Hebrew Yerushalayim literally foundation of peace from base of yarah he threw cast shalom peace Jerusalem artichoke is folk etymology of Italian girasole sunflower see girasole.
Uncertain possible corruption of Italian girasole articiocco sunflower artichoke with girasole mistaken for the word Jerusalem via folk etymology. Artichoke The Cynara scolymus a plant somewhat resembling a thistle with a dilated imbricated and prickly involucre. Jerusalem artichoke plural Jerusalem artichokes A variety of sunflower Helianthus tuberosus native to North America having yellow flower heads and edible tubers.
This is where folk etymology comes in. The origin of this term is with the Italian name of the plant girasole which literally means turns withto the sun. Artichoke See Jerusalem artichoke.
Its possible that this word was then corrupted to Jerusalem over the decades. This is the Italian name of sunflower a similar and biologically related plant. The Jerusalem artichoke Helianthus tuberosus also called sunroot sunchoke wild sunflower topinambur or earth apple is a species of sunflower native to central North America.
It is cultivated widely across the temperate zone for its tuber which is used as a root vegetable. Jerusalem artichoke botanically-named Helianthus tuberosus is the tuber of a variety of perennial flower in the aster family. And Canada widely cultivated for its tubers that are used as a vegetable and as a livestock feed.
The flowers look like small yellow sunflowers. Jerusalem artichoke a totally different plant a species of sunflower bearing tubers like those of the potato Jerusalem being a corr. Jerusalem artichoke definition is - a perennial sunflower Helianthus tuberosus of the US.
Both Jerusalem artichoke and sunflower belong to the Helianthus genus. Genuine artichokes are members of the thistle family and come originally from the Mediterranean area. القدس al-Quds or Bayt al-Maqdis also spelled Baitul Muqaddas is a city in Western Asia on a plateau in the Judaean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead SeaIt is one of the oldest cities in the world and is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religions.
Since the Jerusalem artichoke is a member of the sunflower family and the flower that emerges from the tuber looks very similar Italian immigrants began referring to is as girasole which is the Italian word for sunflower. The biochemistry of Jerusalem artichokes is very interesting but not really a subject to discuss here.
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